Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Be the best you you can be!

Happy Birthday to me!

I had my 33rd birthday last week!  It was one of the better since I actually got to do what I wanted to do!  lol  I didnt have to cater my day around what others wanted to do and it was actually all about me, haha.  I thought I would share some of the items that I got, just because they are pretty.  :-)

I had never seen Uggs like this.  I may be hanging on to an old fad, but I love these boots, haha!  Last winter especially we had such cold days and with the metal plate in my ankle these keep my foot so warm and painfree.

I have been wanting a watch like this for so long so I decided to splurge and get it for myself.  This is the "Blake" style and I love it!  The picure doesnt do it justice.

Who doesnt want sparkle.  Everyone knows I love Bauble Bar so this shouldnt come as a surprise.  In case anyone is wondering all these items came from Nordstrom.  I was given gift cards for the most part to pick out what I wanted, which is always the best present!
However, the BEST gift was from my mom.  She bought floor seats to see Michael Buble.  It was a great show!!!  I usually buy cheaper seats so floor seating was a treat.  Needless to say, I got a pretty good look at Mr. Buble.

I also have to say, 33 doesnt look so bad! HAHA

Sometimes Life gets in the way...

Things have ben crazy the last month.  I feel like I have been going non stop, and havent had time for much else.  I had a great trip to NYC a few weeks ago.  I had a great time!  I went with a local tour group so at least hotel and transportation was already booked, but the tour guide over all was a little eh.  Frankly, I dont know if I would use the same tour group again, but the trip had a lot of personal time built in so that was great.  We had tickets to see Newsies and Aladdin which were amazing!  Anyone who knows me knows I love seeing musicals, and neither of these disappointed!  In fact when we left Aladdin I was so full of energy I did a mile walk in under 10 minutes, haha. 

Talking about walking though.....I think we did on overage at least 5 miles each day.  All my walking beforehand really paid off as I didnt have any issues walking all over the city.  Sure I would get tired, but I kept going so I was really proud of that fact.  The bad part is since that trip I have really been slacking.  I need to get myself up and moving again!  Its something I am going to work on as well as increasing physical activity in general.  I have a few DVD's I would like to start using, even if its just 15 minutes a night.  Some thing is better than nothing.